Vessel Enhancing Diffusion Filter
Enquobahrie, Andinet, Ibanez, Luis, Bullitt, Elizabeth, Aylward, Stephen
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Published in The Insight Journal - 2007 MICCAI Open Science Workshop.
Submitted by Andinet Enquobahrie on 2007-07-06T13:58:43Z.
This paper describes vessel enhancing diffusion (VED) filters implemented using the Insight Toolkit (ITK). The filters are implementation of the VED algorithm developed by Manniesing et al . The VED algorithm follows a multiscale approach to enhance vessels using anisotropic diffusion scheme guided by vesselness measure at a pixel level. Vesselness is determined by geometrical analysis of the Eigen system of the Hessian matrix. For this purpose, a smoothed version of the Frangi's vesselness function is formulated. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of the VED filters in enhancing vessels in lung CT scan.