Meeting Andy Warhol Somewhere Over the Rainbow: RGB Colormapping and ITK
Tustison, Nicholas, Zhang, Hui, Lehmann, Gaetan, Yushkevich, Paul, Gee, James
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Published in The Insight Journal - 2008 July - December.
Submitted by Nicholas J. Tustison on 2009-01-15 13:40:09.
Although greyscale intensity values are primarily used in image data visualization oftentimes, due to the requirements of aesthetics (whether they be self-imposed or collaborator-suggested), mapping the greyscale image to a user-defined colormap is desired. In this paper, we propose a framework for inclusion in the ITK library for converting intensity-valued images to user-defined RGB colormap images. We also include several colormaps that can be readily applied for visualization of images in such programs as ITK-SNAP or can be used as examples for creating new colormaps.