Vessel Enhancing Diffusion
Manniesing, Rashindra, Viergever, Max, Niessen, Wiro
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Published in The Insight Journal - 2009 January - June.
Submitted by Rashindra Manniesing on 2009-01-26 14:45:34.
Recently, an implementation of the Vessel Enhancing Diffusion (VED) algorithm [3] using the Insight Toolkit (ITK) framework [2] has been proposed by Enquobahrie et al.[1]. In this paper we present an alternative implementation, for two reasons. First, in this implementation all the main functionality of the algorithm, including eigensystem, vesselness, tensor calculation and PDE discretization using a forward Euler scheme are now grouped together in one single class. Although this may come at the cost of code-reusability, it improves readibility and enables application specific code optimization. The second reason is the criterion of reproducibility. Source code, test environment and example data of the paper [3] are provided.