Automated high-throughput registration for localizing 3D mouse brain gene expression using ITK
Ng, Lydia, Hawrylycz, Michael, Haynor, David
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Published in The Insight Journal - 2005 MICCAI Open-Source Workshop.
Submitted by Lydia Ng on 2005-07-29T20:52:39Z.
The Allen Brain Atlas (ABA) project aims to create a cellular-resolution, genome-wide map of gene expression in the adult mouse brain. The resulting in situ hybridization (ISH) image data will be available free-of-charge to the public. Additionally, we are developing an informatics pipeline to support searching of the data by anatomic region and expression level and/or pattern. This paper describes a robust, high-throughput registration scheme to automatically annotate hierarchical brain structures in the ISH imagery.