MORPHIAS: Molecular Phenotyping Image Analysis System
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Published in The Insight Journal - 2005 MICCAI Open-Source Workshop.
Visualizing metabolic phenotypes, tracking phenotype dynamics, and screening molecular interventions all require comprehensive, quantitative measures of micromolecular patterns across cell classes. In this project we develop an easy-to-use interface that permits the same sequence of operations as described in Marc and Jones [1] and is based on Cell Kit developed by Marc's lab. Work products for this project include: user application software (Matlab), user manual and if possible, a web portal interface to allow internet access and application of the system. The MORPHIAS system will be implemented by means of a Matlab function which creates a GUI which allows the user to import molecular signature images (in TIFF format), and then to perform classification using a clustering algorithm, and to then perform data analysis on the result.