A simple Qt based comparison program for ITK and VTK images.
Perrot-Audet, Antonin, Mosaliganti, Kishore, Gelas, Arnaud, Rannou, Nicolas, Souhait, Lydie, Megason, Sean
Harvard Medical School, INSA Lyon

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this publication: http://hdl.handle.net/10380/3196
New: Prefer using the following doi: https://doi.org/10.54294/hundvi
Published in The Insight Journal - 2010 July-December.
Submitted by Antonin Perrot-audet on 2010-08-16 13:50:51.
This document describes a project that can compare many images simultaneously in a synchronized manner. Such an application can be used in any ITK/VTK image processing pipelines; the programmer can use it to quickly visualize and compare intermediate results of used filters within the pipeline.The goals of this project are two folds: (i) to be integrated in gdb pretty debuggers (for visual debugging of ITK pipelines), and, (ii) to provide a visual comparison widget for image-to-image plugins (ITK or VTK based filters). This project is part of the Gofigure2 development effort, an open-source, cross-platform application for visualizing, processing and analyzing of multidimensional microscopy data.