ItkImageFunctionImageFilter: A New Filter To Apply An itkImageFunction To Every Pixel In An itkImage
Doria, David
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Published in The Insight Journal - 2011 July-December.
Submitted by David Doria on 2011-07-19 14:17:34.
This document presents a new class to apply an itkImageFunction to every pixel in an itkImage. This functionality is almost identical to itkUnaryFunctorImageFilter, but it uses an itkImageFunction rather than an itk::Functor. As some functionalities in ITK seem to have been implemented as image functors (itk::Functor::AND, itk::Functor::Atan, etc.) while other seems to have been implemented as itkImageFunction's (itk::BinaryThresholdImageFunction, itk::CentralDifferenceImageFunction, etc.), it seems reasonable to be able to apply any of these operations to an entire image. The code is available here:,2008