A GPU-based Implementation of Multimodal Deformable Image Registration Based on Mutual Information or Bhattacharyya Distance
Lou, Yifei, Jia, Xun, Gu, Xuejun, Tannenbaum, Allen
Please use this identifier to cite or link to this publication: http://hdl.handle.net/10380/3268
New: Prefer using the following doi: https://doi.org/10.54294/mdbmr7
Published in The Insight Journal - 2011 January-June.
Submitted by Yifei Lou on 2011-05-24 13:54:15.
This paper describes a multimodal deformable image registration method on the GPU. It is a CUDA-based implementation of a paper by E. D'Agostino et. al, ''A viscous fluid model for multimodal non-rigid image registration using mutual information''. In addition, we incorporate an alternative metric as opposed to mutual information, called Bhattacharyya Distance, in the recent work of Lou and Tannenbaum. This paper is accompanied with the source code, input data, parameters and output data that the authors used for validating the algorithm.