optimized image iterators
Zhu, Wanlin
Please use this identifier to cite or link to this publication: http://hdl.handle.net/1926/178
New: Prefer using the following doi: https://doi.org/10.54294/f5yw4o
Published in The Insight Journal - 2006 January - June.
Submitted by Wanlin Zhu on 2006-02-27T11:35:03Z.
This document describes the iteration direction optimized Image Iterators . Comparing with the original corresponding iterators, the new iterators provide automatic iteration direction optimization and give more flexible. They are more efficient when the fastest moving direction has small size. The derived template class ImagePieceWiseLinearIteratorWithIndex is a generic class that can be replace the ImageLinearIterator and ImageSliceIterator. The paper present the implementation and examples of these classes. This paper is accompanied with the source code and experiments.